 | Singers: |  |
Saint Tirumangai Azwar in his hymn wonders how to speak of the handsomeness of Lord Azhagia Manavalar holding the discuss and the conch, His shoulders as those of hills with all masculine features. How handsome you are My Lord, he wonders. |
Festival: |
Navarathri in September-October and 10 day Karthikai Tirupanazhwar festival in November-December are the festivals celebrated in the temple. |
Temple's Speciality: |
The place has the reputation of being the birth place of Saint Tirupanazhwar one among the celebrated 12 Vaishanavite saints. Among the Saivite saints, Pugazh Chalar, Kochengat Cholar were also born here. |
Opening Time: |  |
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The temple is open from 6.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. |
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Address: |  |
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The Executive Officer, Sri Kamalavalli Nachiar Temple,Worayur, Tiruchi-620 003. |
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Phone: |  |
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+91-431 - 2762 446, 94431 88716. | |
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General Information: |  |
This is one of the 108 Divya Desas of Baghwan Vishnu and enjoys the Mangalasasanam of Tirumangai Azhwar. There are shrines for Acharya Sri Ramanuja and Saint Nammalwar the author of Tiruvaimozhi praised as Tamil Vedas. The vimana, tower above the sanctum sanctorm is called Kamala Vimanam. The temple has a five tier Rajagopuram. |
Prayers |  |
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Devotees pray for unity among the couples. | |
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Thanks giving: |  |
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Devotees perform special Tirumanjanam for Mother. | |
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Greatness Of Temple: |  |
Lord and Mother are looking at each other facing north. Those facing problems in matrimonial affairs perform Archana to Mother Kamalavalli Nachiar on Aslesha (Aayilyam) star day for successful results. As the land happens to be the birth place of Mother-Thayar, all prominence goes to Mother in the temple and is praised as Nachiar Koil. There is procession deity in the sanctum for Mother only and not for Perumal. Instead of Kumkum Prasad usually offered in Vishnu temples, sandal is offered in this temple. In the nivedhanas, pepper only is used and not chillies.
Against the traditional practice of Perumal going through the Sorga Vasal on the Vaikunda Ekadasi day (December-January), Mother takes this privilege in this temple.
During the Panguni (March-April) festival in Sri Rangam, Namperumal visits this place and grants darshan with Mother Kamalavalli Nachiar. It is believed that Mother Kamalavalli Nachiar was born on Aslesha Star day in this place in Panguni month, hence this festival on the six the day. O this day, Lord Namperumal comes to this place on a palanquin to Amma Mandapan on the banks of Cauveri. Devotees on both sides of the road in huge numbers welcome Namperumal as their bridegroom. They decorate their homes with plantain trees and draw colourful rangolis at the entrance of their houses. Bridegroom Perumal enters the front mandap and invites Thayar. Then both go to Serthi Mandap in their wedding attire and grant darshan till 11.00 a.m. that day. Mother returns then to sanctum sanctorum and Perumal to Srirangam.
On the Panguni Uthiram day, Perumal grants darshan at Sri Rangam on Panguni Uthiram day (March-April) with Mother Ranganayaki. Thus Perumal grants two darshans with two Mothers, a rare chance for devotees. |
Temple History: |  |
King Nanga Chola, then ruling this region, prayed to Perumal for child boon. Perumal sent Mother Mahalakshmi to be born the daughter of the king. While on hunting, the king found a female baby on a Lotus flower. The king was happy, took the child and named Her Kamalavalli-born in Lotus. When She attained the marriageable age, she saw Lord Ranganatha riding on a horse and determined to marry Him. Lord appeared in the dream of the king and expressed His desire to marry Kamalavalli. The king took his daughter to Srirangam where Kamalavalli joined the Lord. Later, the king built this temple for Kamalavalli Nachiar. |
Special Features: |  |
Miracle Based:
The place has the reputation of being the birth place of Saint Tirupanazhwar one among the celebrated 12 Vaishanavite saints. Among the Saivite saints, Pugazh Chalar, Kochengat Cholar were also born here.