Hotel Geetha International: +91-0461-234 6174; 6874; 6974
Hotel Allwyn: +91-0461-232 8780 to 83; Mobile: 98437 29210
Hotel Sukham: +91-0461-232 8172 272/372/472/572
Hotel Johnny International: +91-0461-232 8350 to 53; 232 8960
Hotel Palson: +91-0461-232 0839; 232 5179; 232 7052; 232 7053
Chitra Lodge: +91-0461-232 8877; 232 8977; 232 9077
Hotel Vishaka: +91-0461-232 9601 to 9603
Hotel Pal Sornam: +91-0461-232 4616