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Festival: |
Gokhulashtami, Navarathri, Vaikunda Ekadasi and Vinayaka Chaturthi are celebrated in the temple. |
Temple's Speciality: |
The rays of Sun falls on Lord Srinivasa continuously during the Months Masi, Panguni and Chithirai |
Opening Time: |  |
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The temple is open from 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m |
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Address: |  |
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Sri Navaneetha Krishnar temple, Pandhadi 5th Street, Lamp Post, Madurai-625 001 |
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Phone: |  |
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+91- 92451 45226. | |
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General Information: |  |
Lord Maha Ganapathi found during the construction of the temple graces from the front mandap. On a pillar before the sanctum sanctorum, Garuda Baghwan and Sri Anjaneya appear as Dwarapalakas in left and right sides respectively. Jaya and Vijaya are in the other pillar. The Guardian deity of Madurai Karuppusami is shown in the form of a whip outside the temple.
Prayers |  |
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Those facing adverse planetary aspects pray to the serpent planets Rahu and Ketu and perform turmeric abishek to Nagar in the prakara.
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Thanks giving: |  |
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Those concerned with the welfare of children pray to Lord Navaneethakrishna with butter and sweet pudding –sarkarai pongal. | |
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Greatness Of Temple: |  |
Lord Sri Rama, Mother Sita and Sri Lakshmana grace from the front mandap. Sri Anjaneya is before them in a worshipping posture. Gokhulashtami-the birth day of Lord Krishna is grandly celebrated in the temple. Chanting of Bhagwat Gita is followed the next day evening. Lord Navanetha Krishna as a little smiling boy graces the devotees from sanctum sanctorum with butter in both hands. Mother Mahalakshmi gracefully appears from the right chest of the Lord. Procession deity is also nearby, but He does not go in procession. Special pujas are dedicated to Lord on each Rohini Star day. Lord Srinivasa Perumal and Mother Aalarmelmangai are behind the sanctum sanctorum. During the months of Masi, Panguni and Chithirai covering the English months from middle February to middle May, the rays of Sun fall on Lord Srinivasa in morning hours. During the Krishna puja in the mornings, 27 Star Deepas and 108 Deepas are lit for Aaradhana. There are some Salagrama stones in the temple brought from Kandaki River. Milk abishek is performed to these stones and the Jadari-the Paduka plate daily. It is the staunch belief of the devotees that this darshan will ensure a place for them in Vaikunta, the Abode of Lord Vishnu. Generally there are no shrines for Navagrahas in Vishnu temples. However, as Lord Kannan danced on the head of serpent Kalinga and granted salvation, serpent planets Rahu and Ketu are in the temple in idol forms.
Temple History: |  |
Navaneetham in Sanskrit means butter. It does not solve in milk from which butter is produced. Water easily mixes with milk. The philosophy is that lives born in earth should endeavour to merge with the Supreme Lord as water does in milk. In practice, we are as butter (the beings) do not seek total salvation (merging with the Almighty) to end their cycles of births and deaths. The Gopikas in Brindavan had absolutely no thoughts of any personal ambitions except to be with Lord and that is the lesson Lord taught during His Krishnavatara. He granted salvation not only to enlightened souls but also to some others who were against him as Kamsa and Karna too by force. Hence, He is praised as Karunamurthy-meaning all merciful. This child Krishna graces the devotees from this temple near Tirumalai Naicker Mahal in Pandhadi 5th street in Madurai.
Special Features: |  |
Miracle Based:
It is noteworthy that rays of Sun fall on Lord Srinivasa for three months in the year.