The sages at Tharuga vanam (tharuga forests) started doing innumerable yagnas thinking that yagnas are better than Siva Bhakthi(worshipping lord shiva). Lord Shiva wanted to destroy their ego. So he asked Tirumal to assume his Mohini form once again and come to him. Tirumal also immediately took the form of Mohini. Lord Shiva assumed the form of Bihshadanar by carrying skull and Trisul(trident). Both of them reached Tharuga Vanam. In that forest the sages who were doing tapas(penance), on seeing Mohini attracted by her went behind her. In the mean time Lord shiva went through the streets where the wives sages were residing by singing hymns assuming the form Bikshadanar. The wives of sages(Muni pathnis)who heard the sound of the hymns on seeing him and hearing his hymns got attracted by him . Some fell in love with him. Because of this there was a blemish in their chastity. The sages who lost the state of their penance returned to home looked at their wives who lost their chastity wondered who will be behind this state of affairs. Further the wives of sages going behind Bikshadanar, came out of their stupor and joined with their husbands. There after Tirumal who was in the form of Mohini and Lord Shiva who was in the form of Bikshadanar came to a place called TIRUTHTHALICHERY and disappeared there.
Thereafter the sages who wanted to destroy Lord Shiva performed an evil yagna(aabisaara yagam) and directed the thing that will come out of that evil yagna to kill Lord Shiva. But Lord Shiva made them as his dress and jewel and wore it in his body. Thereafter both of them went back to Mount Kailas. The form that he took to test the penance of the sages and the chastity of the wives of sages is called BIKSHADANA MOORTHI. We should go to Vazhuvur. Lord Shiva who appeared as Bikshadanar to bring under control their ego , is stationed in this Vazhuvur near Mayiladuthurai. Sanyasis, sages and rishis if worship this Bikshadanar will get all success. By doing Bilva archana, and offering cocanut in neivethyam on Thursdays our opponents ego will be destroyed. One can get the power of bringing others under their control (vasiyam in tamil). By doing annabhishegam(abishegam with cooked rice) one will be blessed with all the best in one’s life.