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February 18,2011
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Manickavasagar was waiting in the palace for the arrival horses as per the words of Lord Shiva. The King also called Manickavasagar and asked him when will the horses arrive? He replied that they will arrive in one or two days. Everybody was waiting. But the horses did not arrive. All were disappointed. So the king tortured Manickavasagar and put him in jail. In the jail Manickavasagar did not lose his heart and was praying Lord Shiva. He worshipped Lord Shiva by singing several hymns. On account of this Lord Shiva became happy and invited  his Ganas(assistants) and asked them to catch all foxes from the forest,bring them. He then converted all foxes intohorses and the entrusted the responsibility of taking them to king’s palace to all his ganas.  He took the chieftainship post of all ganas, and led them, while He was riding on a high quality horse.

Knowing the news of the arrival of the horses the king felt happy and gave grand reception to all of them. All the horses wewe kept in the horse’s staple. He released Manickavasagar fro the jail. At night all the horses attained their original figure as foxes and left for the forest. King on being given this information became angry and sent Manickavasagar back to jail once agai. At that time because of the thoughts and blasphemy of Manicka vasagar on Lord Shiva, ther was heavy floods in the Vaigai river and it appeared that the river bunds will be washed away. So one person from each house hold was entrusted with the job of repairing the river bund and engaged in that work. At that time a very old woman was worried because she did not have anyone in her house expect she. Lord Shiva disguising himself as a servant, ate the pudding(puttu)given to him by her but did not do any work and was sleeping. The king who came there to oversee the work thrashed this servant on his back with a cane. That thrashing by the cane by the king was felt by everyone living being in the world. At once a divine voice was heard from the sky asking the king to release Manickavasagar immediately from the prison. Having understood the truth, the sought the excuse both from Manickavasagar and Lord Shiva. Since Lord Shiva converted foxes into horses and led them under his captaincy, He is called ASWARUDA MOORTHI.

The name of the Lord In the Madurai temple is Chockanathar. His consort here is known by the name Meenakshi. By taking bath in the PORTAMARAI TANK(Lotu tank) one will get intense Bhakthi. On Fridays HE should be worshipped by performing archana with Bilva leaves And offer Sarkarai Pongal(Swet rice) one will opportunity to own vehicles and mind will attain maturity.

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