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March 14,2011
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Though Lord did not give any reply , he decided in his mind to help Thadaathagai. He invited his son Lord Muruga.  Lord Muruga rushed before him on the back of his vehicle the peacock in a playful manner. He asked his father, “Father, why did you invite me?”. Lord Shiva kept him on his lap, and said “ Saravana  earlier on one day you were born from the flame that flew out of my third eye. Now you should reborn once again for the welfare of the people of of Madurai. You should reborn again from the stomach of Thadathagai pratti as an embryo. Bowing to the order,  Lord Muruga stayed as a child in the stomach of Thadathagai. Feeling happy that she has become pregnant, she informed this happy news to her husband by reclining on his chest. The happiness that the minister had,  knew no bounds, having come to know that the queen has become pregnant. She ordered that this news be told to the citizens. The citizens of Madurai reached their pinnacle of happiness, having understood that the future king is going to born at Madurai. Just like the marriage celebrations of the marriage of Meenakshi, the people expressed their happiness by  putting through out the city festoons made out of mango leaves ( Mavilai thoranam in tamil), prepared sweets and did charities. Eatables aspired by pregnant women were prepared and given. A preganant will like foods or articles which are soar(pulippu in tamil). So tasteful tamarind rice(Puliyotharai in tamil) was prepared and given to her. Thinking that the baby to be born should be red in complexion milk mixed with saffron threads and a variety of fruit juices

Most importantly, experts in Vedas, were invited both in the morning and evening and they told her spiritual and philosophical stories, importance of the names of Gods. This is an important matter. Nowadays, pregnant women sit before T.V, see dramas not worthy of seeing and after seeing them with involvement, weep and get emotional. They also hear dirty film songs, or see films full of violence and obscene scenes and give birth babies who like them. They after committing such  mistakes, blame their children when their children commit mistakes and do not perform their duties correctly. Pregnant women should completely  avoid watching T.Vs. Should read very good spiritual books.  They should visit temples along with the assistance of some one and hear spiritual lectures. By doing this they will beget best children. Thus towards the end of her pregnancy Valaikappu, ( a ceremony in which the pregnant woman is adorned with bangles) Poochchoodal ( a ceremony in which the pregnant woman is adorned with a variety of flowers) functions were held in a grand manner.The citizens brought for their queen  Kozhukkattai(a sweet  or savoury  sandwich  like preparationusing rice flour cups), varities of Vadais and gave them to her. On One day with Thiruvathirai star ruling that day, with all other planets situated in their good/auspicious houses Thadathagai pratti gave birth to a male child.  Not only see but all the citizens felt happy. The whole world was happy. When Sundara pandiyan came to see the baby, Thadathagai felt shy. Her face not only expressed shyness but also happiness. It seems that girls or women will look beautiful only when one sees both shyness and happiness both at the same time.

Sundaresa Pandiyan enjoyed at the same time the beauty of both his wife and the new born baby. After passing of several days the naming ceremony function for the new born baby  was held.  The baby was given the name  “Ukravarman”. For the naming ceremony the maternal uncle(brother of mother) should come. Tirumal on his vehicle eagle, and Brahma on his vehicle Swan and along with their wives Sri Devi and Boo Devi in the case of Tirumal and Saraswathi in the case of Brahma came to attend the function. Brugaspathi, Guru for celestials blessed the baby and said that he will teach them school lessons at the appropriate age of the child.At the age of five Ukravarman had Upanayanam (sacred thread wearing ceremony). Deva Guru Brugaspathi started to teach the lessons. At the age of eight itself Ukravarman learnt all arts and lessons. His father taught him the method of shooting Pasupatha Asthram( a kind of weapon). Ukravarman reached the age of sweet sixteen.  Both Thadathagai and Sundara Pandiyan were thinking  as to whether to crown him as prince or to get him married. They consulted the minister Sumathi and people proficient in Vedas(Veda Pandits). All of them unanimously decided that he should get married. So they were on the look out for a suitable girl for Ukravarman.

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