SHIRDI SAI BABA CHAPTER 1 | Temples in Tamil Nadu | Temple news
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March 04,2014
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Indeed,  that news put the people living in the village of shirdi into surprise.  A woman residing in Shirdi,  who went to the Mosque at dawn saw that wonderful sight for the first time. Immediately she came rushing, and told that news which spread like a wild fire in the entire village. All ran towards the Mosque,  where Baba was living,  immediately. Many could not run fast. They were tired because of aftermath of cholera  attack . Since few days cholera was spreading fast in that village. It was in the year 1910. At that time medical  methods to save people from cholera was not popular. People residing at Shirdi were living  by completely depending on Baba only. They felt that the Divine power was enacting its several plays by entering into the body of a human being called Baba.  Only yester day night many people went to the mosque where he was residing  and prayed to him to save them from cholera epidemic.  He who can save people from the cycle of birth and death, will he not save them from their body illness? He began to talk to them with a divine smile on his lips. “Are you all not my children? I have come into this world to save all of you only”.

In my three types of work such as creation, protection and destruction, this time is meant for protection. My  Children the evil powers are only spreading the disease in this world. It is not just enough simply taking medicine  alone for disease.  Even If one cuts the branch of a tree still it will grow. To destroy the tree from growing further one should destroy its roots. You take the medicines within your capacity for your disease. That is  like the job of cutting the branch of the tree. But one should do the job of destroying the root called evil power. I will take of that job. If you destroy from your mind the evil tendencies like Desire, anger then not only your body ailments  will be cured but also the ailment of Rebirth will be removed. The people returned to their homes after hearing the nectar like talk of Baba with peace of mind. This is yesterday’s story. That woman who had a darshan of baba in the early morning today has brought that wonderful news about Baba at dawn itself. The devotees crowd gathered in front of Baba. He was sitting in front of the flour grinding stone(called in tamil Thirugai yanthiram) with stretched legs. Next to him wheat grains were kept in a winnowing pan or sieve (called in tamil Muram).

He spread a sack cloth on the floor and kept that Thirugai(grinding stone0  on it. From where this sack cloth, this grinding stone and wheat grains Came?  Has he not got the power to materialize any thing from wind? After rolling up his sleeves, he put the grains in the pit of the Quern(grinding stone) and started grinding it to make flour. The grounded flour overflowed. There was a fierce look on the face of Baba.  By rotating the handle of the Quern, he started talking to the wheat flour.  “Run, run away from this place. Are you troubling my children? What kind of justice is this? If you direct your hands towards these people,  only you will be crushed to death. Do you understand? What is the use of asking the pardon now? Good sense should have prevailed upon you at the beginning itself. You should not enter with in this boundry. Give me a Promise. Just now run away.” Baba was uttering some thing like this, and he started rotating the quern by clutching its handle. The grounded wheat grain  fell on the floor as flour.

Some women from the crowd came running towarda Baba seeing him rotating the Quern with pain. “O” Baba  you are not familiar with this type of job. Your hands must be aching now. Just sit by the side. We will grind. They, because of the love they had on Baba, removed the hands of Baba from the Quern’s handle right royally and started grinding by holding their hands on the handle. With smile on his face, Baba permitted them to grind the flour and sat quietly.  What Baba will do except laughing himself? These women are shivering and trembling  by thinking  that  the hands of  the Almighty who has the power of creation, protection and destruction will be aching. But the devotion that these women  had on Baba made Baba’s  mind  happy like sugar candy’s sweetness.  Baba is expecting from his devotees only devotees. Many people bring various things to Baba as offering to him. It is just like showing camphor lit deepam to God Surya who by his scintillating rays brightens this whole world. Array/ I am asking only  the evil tendencies. Engulfing your mind. Just put it under my feet.

Bring them and put it under my feet. Give me a promise that henceforth that you will not indulge in evil habits and tendies.  He reprimands his devotees  by his mere  sight. Now they ask him in a submissive tone to tell them what they should do with the grounded flower.  Baba said, “O” Ladies now divide the whole quantity into four equal parts. Throw this flour on all the four boundaries of the Shirdi village as a fence.  Do it immediately.” The entire got divided into four groups. That flour was thrown and spread on all the four boundaries of the Shirdi village. The very next moment cholera went out of the boundaries of the village and left the village once for all. Those who were affected by the cholera disease became well and regained their health back. They fell at the feet of the Baba and with tears rolling down from their eyes, thanked Baba. Baba did not grind the wheat grain. But the evil power that stimulated the cholera disease to spread.  The wonders and leelas exhibited by baba are numerous.  The divine story of Baba is a wonderful one. It should be recited (In tamil called Parayanam} just like Sundara kanam and Narayaneeyam. It will bestow all auspiciousness on all those recite Shirdi Baba’s story. The story of a divine incarnation, of God who came into this as a human being baba.  Now.

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