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June 17,2014
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Kausalya supraja rama poorva sandhya pravarthathe
Uththista nara sarthoolam karthavyam deivam aanmigam

Son of kausalya Sri Rama It is morning twilight time. To perform divine duties get up Purushothama.

Ah| Beautiful music  Rich in meaning Very deep in meaning Beautiful Ragam  Sri Venkatesa Suprabatham is divine music to wake up in the early morning sri Thiruvenkatavan.

The honeyed voice of Music Queen M.S. Subbalakshmi’s enters int our ears to kindle the Bhakthi and divine thoughts in us is the divine waves of Sri venkatesa suprabatham.

Sprabatham is meant for awakening the God in the early morning. In Tamil it is called TIRUPALLIYEZHUCHCHI. Where is sleep for God who has no beginning or end? The special form of Bhakthi is saranagathi(surrender). By submitting oneself to HIM with the thought All is HE only is the saranagathi principle. To achieve this mature thinking  Worshipping God and service to God will help.

Alright. How to worship? What types of services are to be done? Alwars and devotees who melted in Bhathi by seeing God as Mother, as child, as lover, as friend and considered God as one among them and has taught the niceties of worshipping God. In the way from getting up early in the morning till we go to bed in the night, by doing all our activities to Him also and get happiness is one way of beautiful experience. It will bestow a very nice and enriched feeling in our mind. This is the basis we got based on these feelings are the Tirupalliyeluchchi songs and worship. Thondaradipodi azhwar among vaishnavites and Manickavasagar among savaites got happiness by singing Tirupalliyeluchchi songs. Suprabatham songs are there for Vinayaga and Muruga. Even in the religion of Jainism also there are suprabatham songs.

All these have special significance and importance. Even then Sri Venkatesa suprapatham has still more significance and importance. Why special signifince for this suprabatham? Because the firsr line in this suprabatham is born out of Vishwamithra Maharishi’s words. Vishwamithrar visited the palace of Rama when he was a lad. To bring the Asuras who were bent upon giving all hurdles for the yagna conducted by Viswamithra Maharishi, under control and eventually destroy them, the maharishi requested King Dasaratha to send his sons Rama and Lakshmana along with him. But Dasaratha hesitated. Later under the advice of his family guru Vashister, he agreed to send them along with him. Mahrishi not only did Manthra upadesam of the Bala and Athibala but also importance and significance of various holy places and narrated the life history of holy personalities. At night Both Rama and Lakshmana along with maharishi slept on the floor in the forest. As it dawned Vishwamithrar was moved by seeing Rama and Lakshmana who used to sleep in the palace in cot, sleeping on a coarse and uneven ground. He woke them up in mild tone “kausalya supraja Rama”. So he was not only fortunate but got the pride of making suprabatham for the first time for Perumal.  The suprabatham which we sing and enjoy starts with this line only.

SRI VENKATESA SUPRABATHAM:  The first part of the suprabatham is about waking up perumal and telling his pride. Then comes the surrender to Him and finally Mangalam
In these songs, elders are of the opinion.that the concepts of vaishnavisam and general moral concepts are extolled. Sri Venkatesa suprabatham contains 70 slokas in four parts. The first part contains 20 slokas of waking up the lord who is in yoga nithra.

II Part: Praising the Perumal. This has 11 slokas.

III Part: This part 10 slokas which extols his pride and the virtues we get by surrendering at the feet Perumal. This called Prabaththi.

IV Part: This is the closing portion called Mangalam. That He should offer His auspicious blessings to us. This contains 14 slokas

To the Perumal at Sri Rengam Thondaradipodi Azhwar sung suprabatham. Later suprabatham was written for Sholingar Perumal, Oppila Appan, Tiruvallikkeni Parthasarathi by Mahans in those places. They are sung in those Divya Desams.

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